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Category: Graduation
Saturday Graduation
After teaching classes tonight and seeing how everyone is doing, I am really happy with the progress of everyone, Good luck for Saturday. Also a special mention to the 5 people testing for 1st Dan and 2 for 2nd Dan from the Bolton, Great Lever School. I wish you the best, you are all amazing.
December Offer (Great Lever, Bolton School)
Are you looking at getting started in a martial arts class? Have you got a child that you want to do a physical activity that will get them fit? Never done Martial Arts before? Have you done Martial Arts but never actually stayed? At our Bolton Branch we’re offer all new members who join during…
2 Weeks left to the December Graduation
9 am – Tiger Tots (All Belts)10am – White Belts11am – Yellow & Orange Belts12pm – Blue & Green Belts1pm – Red Belts & Dan Test Candidates2pm – Midnight Blue (Blackbelts)
Graduation & Blackbelt Test 14th December
The next graduation will have our 6 monthly Blackbelt Test starting at 1pm and Finishing at 4pm. We have 7 people from the Bolton School Testing towards their next level. 5 for 1st Dan and 2 to 2nd Dan. I am looking forward to seeing how everyone does. It should a Fantastic day.
Blackbelt Evaluation Day
Good Luck to all those doing their evaluation day today. You will do fantastic. Trust in what your instructor has taught you. Well done on making it this for.
Blackbelt Assessment & Test Day’s.
The Blackbelt Assessment day is on Sunday 17th November from 9:30am to 3:30pm. Make sure to bring some food along for your assessment day. Also your test will be on the next graduation day, which is on Saturday 14th December from 1pm – 4pm. Make sure on this day you bring a Pen and your…
Dates for your Diary for 2020
Here are the provisional dates for your diary for 2020 for all main events and activities:- Super Summer Camp and Seminars with Masters 29th to the 31st August Galamara Lake District
Limited Spaces
Belgium Trip TBC Seminar and Competition 27th to 19th March Gala Dinner and Awards night 14th November Ticket only –…
Clock go back tomorrow
Don’t forget that the clocks go back 1 hour tomorrow. We’re not late to class
I look forward to seeing you in class.
School Holiday’s
Occasionally, I get asked if we are open during school holidays. The simple answer is yes. We only close for 2 week’s at Christmas and new year, also 3 day’s during the Easter period. We have classes 5 day’s a week and we’re open nearly 50 week’s a year, so there will be no interruption…